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Our Motto:

Nothing is too costly, too hard or too big for God! Jeremiah 32:27 states, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”

Our Creed:

Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowering Center has purposely turned away from the formal intellectual education of man, proving to the world that the wisdom of God outshines an eight-year degree of any student from Harvard University, Cambridge University, or any other elite school in the world.

Our Mission:

To teach, train, coach, and empower believers in Christ and non-believers to achieve God-level life and experience the results in their physical worlds through a biblical perceptive as spoken in Isaiah 28:9-10, which states, “… Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little and there a little,” thereby, processing and producing opulent levels of thoughts on a God-level creating plans, goals, and ideas that will move God to action displaying His true created powers through those who believe His promises. 


  • Open up the God lying dominate inside His children, and whosoever, by challenging their minds to CREATE what they want through thought based on the promises of God. The created powers of God are in all humans – Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:1-3.

  • Eliminate the Spirit of Poverty from the body of Christ and others.

  • Build up a body of believers who worship God in spirit and truth, while living in the abundance of heaven on earth.

  • Never compromise the Word of God and always teach about sin, righteousness, and holiness, as we worship God in lovely buildings with strong, healthy bodies.

  • Consult with individuals’ one-on-one, fee-based, showing the path for God to give life to their plans, goals, or wishes, by guiding them through the wisdom of God to acquire the proper channels of thoughts.

  • Help steer the students in alignment with the thoughts of God and direct their actions to get proper results in achievement of their desired end goals.

  • Show the student that for anything significant to happen, there must be a significant, unprecedented cause or seed that will have a huge effect or an extraordinary harvest built on a belief, and anchored with the word of God.

  • Make the class aware that nothing great is CREATED overnight, nor is life changed in a day, month or year. Help students stay connected to their goals, plans, wishes, or desires.

  • Bring awareness; things could change overnight through the supernatural powers of God intervening through explainable acts called miracles.

  • Show that the principles of God will work for “whosoever” believes and trust what the Holy Bible has promised, and spoken. They will get a performance from God because of their belief in His promises.

  • Twenty-three years of studying the Word of God has led to the creation of the Empowerment Center, created through ‘thought” that is building an Empire for God. As we make His Empire, I teach others how to create the empire of their choice through the power of thought, based on the promises of the truest book in the land – the Holy Bible. It is NOW the season for God to perform according to His promises.

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 2022 by Larryjonestrainingcoachingempowerment

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