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Bible Channel Page


From time to time, I will have statements from God and how we are to apply His concepts to our daily lives.


Picture of Bible from website. Page is a work in progress.


God is very misunderstood by those who do not have a relationship with him nor have a clear understanding of His love for us. And those who say they know and believe in Him fail to give Him the time and respect He deserves. The Larry Jones Training Coaching, & Empowerment Center is here to bring awareness to the lack of respect for God, Jesus, and the Holy Bible. To know God is to love God, and if you don’t truly understand how awesome and powerful you are it is because you don’t understand how powerful and awesome God is. Having clarity of who God is means having clarity of who you are, and that is what you will get through my training program. 


I want you to notice the simplicity of how the wicked use their imaginations to give life to evil thoughts in their mind through the power of words.


Proverbs 16:30


He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass.


If evil thoughts and evil words can bring bad into existence, positive thoughts and positive words can bring good into existence.


The Bible Channel is here to prove to the world that Holy Bible is the truth and the most powerful book on planet earth. 


If you believe the doctor, why not believe God? 


What Bible scripture would you like to use as a prescription for God to fill to prove to you that the Bible is authentic? Find your prescription for your plan and allow God to fill your need. You must take the prescription as prescribed or the medicine will not work. If your thought process is jaded with doubt, the medicine (scripture) is not going to work. Enrolling in the coaching program will teach you how to take your medication to ensure its effectiveness. All prescriptions have a plan you must follow for them to work. It is the same way with God. It all depends on the way you think. You must think, speak, believe, use proper faith, and act; then the results will show from your actions. Here is the kicker, if your belief is wrong you will act incorrectly, therefore your results will not be what you want. It will be the opposite of what you desire. 


Ninety percent of humanity suffer because of poor thinking habits, which is why so many people are living disgruntled lives. In the United States alone, over 45 - 50 million people live in poverty. These defective thinkers have the Creative Power of God within them to switch their lives from a state of poverty to state of opulence. They just need the correct instruction from God on how to process their thoughts to grasp what He has already given them. 


If you do not have the money, make the necessary sacrifices to save up and invest in your future and enroll in the training. This fee is nothing compared to the awakening you shall receive in your life from this training. If you decide not to do the training, think about your life right now and calculate the years you have spent living it undesirably. Listen, because your future, the unhappy life you are living now will remain in the same rut it is in today if you choose not to act.


If your life is already successful but you feel like something is missing, then enrolling in the training can and will lead you down the path of discovery to find the missing link to your life. The missing link is and always has been God, and once people realize this their minds can excel to new levels of imagination and begin creating the life of their dreams with the power of God and the power of their thoughts


The Larry Jones Training, Coaching,  & Empowerment Center is here to aid in this dilemma for billions of people.  


Remember, if your life is in shambles, it is because you lack the knowledge of what is in the Bible. God said in Hosea 4:6, "My people perish because they have no knowledge." Isaiah 5:13, "My people go into captivity because they have no knowledge. Lastly, in Proverbs 19:2, Also, it is not good for the soul to be without knowledge." Your life would be different and in a better state if you knew what was in the Bible. Do not be prideful, accept the fact you do not know Him, and ask God to forgive you for not acknowledging Him in your life. Say, Father God, forgive me for not acknowledging you in my life, and He will. Now take the time to learn of Him and show your trust. Discover how the evil man uses his mind and his lips to bring evil to past. The same technique is used to bring good to past.


To learn more about this subject:













Here, humanity shall get the real deal from God, not from man, I give you God's way!


By the way, do you know God's formula for prosperity?  It is Joshua 1:8, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."






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