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·         Encourage students to establish their internal plans, goals, wishes, or desires on the principles of the Word of God. Help them to develop a plan of action for their plans, goals, wishes, or desires to become a physical product or the financial results of their thoughts in physical form.

·         Bring awareness to the need for strong requirement for reprogramming of the mind by the Word of God and a strong commitment to stay with the dream until it becomes a life experience.

·         Show students the surety of his or her plans, goals, wishes, or desires, guaranteed to materialize in their lives once they apply the principles and promises of God's Word, adhere to, and allow God to work the goal.

·         Advise students that it is God, in them,who will give life to their dreams, not "Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowering Center." We are only the instrument that God is working TO MAKE THIS AWARENESS KNOWN TO THE INDIVIDUAL. God is still in the signs and wonders business – miracles.

·         God is not a respecter of person – like man.

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 2022 by Larryjonestrainingcoachingempowerment

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