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Service 1

“True Goal Setting”

Assist in helping a person develop a want,goal, wish, desire or vision, to give life and help put the idea in a compact statement as his or her chief aim and definiteness of purpose

Service 2

Bring About  The Importance of Awareness

Bring awareness of requirements for full reprogramming of mindset with a strong commitment to stay aboard until the dream has transformed into a physical reality.

Service 3

Stay Focus & Committed 

Assist participants in understanding that their success guaranteed if they continue to trust and have faith in the principles of God’s promises, despite everything working against the vision or goal in their physical world.

Service 4

Belief, Action & Trust, Not In Man

Help keep students eyes on God, not “Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowering Center. Participants should always put God at the center of their plans, goals, wishes, or desires and this will be the only reason they achieve what they seek.


Must purchase and read FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER from Amazon before class.



  • Hey everyone, the Online Training school was previously scheduled to open September 17, 2017. Unfortunately, do to unforeseen circumstances, my undivided attention was needed elsewhere for 7- months stalling my efforts with this endeavor. Soon, we will have videos on website reflecting what the training entails. However, we are moving full steam ahead. On our website, I am building a member’s login on a private page for the online training. Also, you will be able to login and receive some personal messages from me to you. We know many of you are eager to grow spiritually and financially, and we are here to help you get there with our knowledge and wisdom. Many of you feel a "POWER" inside of you that you can CREATE anything you want on this earth. I am here to tell you, YOU CAN! Our genre is CREATIVE THINKING. Every person on the planet use the process; unfortunately, in reverse mode. It is true, "YOU THINK - IT APPEARS," we teach that process under a creative platform from the truest book in the world -the Holy Bible. When we come to you, we are coming to establish a TRAILBLAZER mentality within YOU from our copyrighted Training Manual. We are accepting students for registrations now and may sign up and pay through on the website.

  • It is highly recommended to go through the entire training. As we process the training for online access, we will segment each phase of the training for individual access of full access. 

  • Introductory prices for coaching and training are in effect, and prices are subject to change without notice.

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 2022 by Larryjonestrainingcoachingempowerment

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