PT 2 Creative Thinking
Created thinking is nothing new. Many of you think your oppressor is “the white man or the establishment” when it is any person you allow to enslave you in a system designed to fail. Many of you are in churches that oppress you with your eyes wide open. Put your boots on; this may come as a shock to you. The reason people and the church have been so successful in turning people against each other is because they use the applications of the Bible in a negative way for their good. My discussion here will not be toward the church now.
God instructs everyone how to think properly under the terms of His Word. However, instead of using the principles of God's Word to create life, people are using the creative methods of God to create evil. I have declared that the Bible has a fool-proof system built within it to reward evil to a person who creates evil. Furthermore, the complexity of the evil that the individual created in this life will decide if he/she will continue to live on planet earth or not and, decides if he/she is hell-bound after death.
I will break this down for you to comprehend. Everything in life begins with a thought—good or bad. Nothing on planet earth is occurring without the thoughts of billions of people in the land. There are imbalanced creative powers of humans all over the world with ideas, plans, goals, and visions. Some are thousands of years old—passed down from generation to generation with indescribable evil attached.
Racism is a fallen demonic spirit in rebellion against God having been thrown out with the kinsman prejudice spirit. Add the spirits of warmongering, genocide, mass destruction, sexual lust, greed, and murder, just to name a few kingpins. As you start thinking about all the other evils in the world, please lend me your ear and give me your attention.
There is no wisdom on planet earth that is true but God who is known to the world through the Holy Bible. I am not going to debate the simpleton on that statement in this article. The devil was in "heaven" with Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. In his rebellion of wanting to take over heaven as stated in Isaiah 14: 12-17, his place was no more. He lost his seat in heaven and has been at war with the throne head of God and Jesus Christ ever since. Satan cannot stand the idea that Jesus Christ, the Son of God is the only Savior for all people. Satan wanted to be above his Creator. He wanted to rule in heaven over his Maker. And, he is extremely angry and jealous; the Jesus he knew in heaven is the only Savior in the world. He is angry because he was bamboozled by God, and instituted it into effect by having Jesus crucified, which led to his defeat, and took the keys of hell and death away from him as shown in Revelation 1:18 which states, "I am he that liveth, and was dead: behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death.” Only through Christ can you escape eternal death (damnation) and live forever with Him in peace. Death will have absolutely no power over you and hell will not be your final resting place after this life.
You must be out of your mind to overrule the person who gave life to you. Satan knows the truth. He knows that the Bible is the only true book on the earth.
Satan's Number One Job Is To Cause Mass Confusion
He creates endless demonic religions and appoint a person fully under his control and steal a piece of the truth from the Bible to give credibility to the false religion. On my post card, I will show you two thieves’who stole a part of God’s Word, built up some credibility for themselves and created a false religion and became someone great the lost gravitated toward – Buddha and Gandhi.
He uses the mouths of these people to do the opposite of the truth by misconstruing God’s principles. They think evil and move their lips to bring evil to pass as spoken of in Proverbs 16:30.
Satan knows where death and life are created. It is in the power of the tongue as mentioned in Proverbs 18:20-21.
Almost 5 billion people or two-thirds of the population have fell for this mass deception of false religions as God have revealed who is at the root of all false religions and false faith in Revelation 12:9, " And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceive the whole world: and his angels were cast out with him.” It was one- third of the angles of heavens. You can rest assured it exceeds the population of the earth a 1000-fold escalating the endless evil in the land.
Satan is a Master Thief
He not only steals souls but he steals from humanity—from all four corners of the world the wealth God gave to every person born in the earth. Every soul, (person) came from God per Genesis 1:26. There is no poverty, sickness, or crazy people in heaven. Poverty is a spirit. Sickness is a spirit and so is mental illness.
The reason Satan is so successful with His thievery of souls and the wealth every person was given at birth is because of the ignorance of most people. They are clueless about the contents of the truest book on the planet—Bible.
Since God created all humans, we naturally apply the thought process of the Bible. We know that nearly 4.9 billion (80% of humanity) have no clue of who God is or the Bible’s contents and the other approximately 2 billion (20% believers) are almost as unlearned of what the Bible teaches and instructs about created thinking as the remaining 80%. It is easy to arrive at the conclusion that most of humanity, at least 95 percent, use the thought process of the Bible in error in an attempt to achieve certain goals in their lives. See link, Global Christianity -
People are so accustomed to thinking (incorrectly), speaking (incorrectly), believing falsely, and acting incorrectly from an incorrect belief. They apply improper faith (e.g. works with no actions and works that bring bad results). This entire set-up, my friend, is because everything connected to their thoughts are so out of alignment with God and His Word. The only things that are happening in people’s lives are the fruits of Satan, in a subliminal way. The bad is all they receive. The things they hate always show up. The life a person hates is the life they live. Every dream is so far off with no hope of ever coming into existence. The mind of these persons are untrained in the thought process of the Holy Bible.
God Has Bridged the Gap of this Global Ignorance
Firstly, two books are now on the planet and a creative training center like no other on earth to give true understanding of what the Bible has spoken, not man, about true eternal life in peace. You can discover who shall receive eternal life in peace after death and who shall not? Secondly, the creative powers of God is available to give life to any reasonable idea, irrespective of money, materials needed, or the number of people required for someone to give life to his/her thoughts. There is no need to have money, material or people from the outset to create life for the idea, goal, dream or vision.
The title of the first book is, "THE SAVING OF A SOUL called, THE HEREAFTER." There is not one person on planet earth who can escape the contents of the book. It is a toe-stumping message if you are outside the authentic belief of the Holy Bible for eternal life in peace after death. Like the Bible, the book is against everyone who opposes the teachings of God's Word and the fake believers with the other Jesus, the other spirit and the other gospel as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11:4.
The second book, “FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER,” deals with the correct process of how people are to think and bring things in their lives by creative thinking. It is the beginning of processing thoughts, speaking the correct way, believing the as the Bible instructs; thereby, producing the right actions to get what you want instead of getting what you do not want.
This is the same method that is used daily by every person except they do it incorrectly. The problem and the reason 95% of people are not living their lives today is because of the lack of knowledge of the truest book ever printed—the Holy Bible. The thought process to deliver the life of your dream is not necessarily in the punctuation of your words and the eloquence of your speech, but in the message dictated in your thoughts, your heart, and the spirit of what drives you and excites you with passion. Winston Churchill knew that from his quote, and I quote, “Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential."
If 100,000 people purchased this book between now and the end of 2016, read the book, change the way of their thinking, do the action steps, and implement the changes of the book into his/her life, and give God time (not a quick rich scheme), that person will move God to act on their behalf. The only way it will not happen, the person reverts to the old way of thinking and that shall be proving because the idea will not come to life. The person must go back and retrace his/her steps because God does not lie Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” I help people to become knowledgeable of God so they may think on a creative level in harmony with God and His Word to build a life with precision and not guesswork. Why not become one of the 100,000 who trust God to help reinvent your life? Get the book!
Many of you have zero goals, plans, ideas, or visions for your life. You are consumed with social media in a bad way. All your time is consumed in “junk-thinking,” sports, and wanting everything in a “New York-minute.” You do not have the time, will not make time, are stingy and want everybody to give you something before you even consider hearing what someone is trying to tell you to better your life. Many of you will not read an interesting book that would make a difference in this life and the next life. Put a book that talks of filth, adultery, how to con someone, or get-rich-quick schemes in front of you and it will likely get your undivided attention. It is because that is your mental makeup. You are a person with no plans to live a successful life. I am telling you today what your future will be. It will be exactly the way it is now, except you will be older and more prone to live the rest of your days in abject poverty. If you allow the things I say to go in one ear and out the next, these words will haunt you years later in this life and in the life to come: “I played the role of a fool and was duped by the greatest deceiver on earth—The Devil.” You will never forget these words on your death bed.
Take this nugget, "leaders are readers." If you do not like to read, rest assured, you are not a leader of intelligent people.
In the fools group, you do not have to read, all that’s required, is to act like a clown and you will have many clowns following you. I know people who need my help like crazy but are too poor and prideful to allow me to help. People as such are losers. My advice, do not hang out with losers, or you will end up a loser. 1 Cor. 15: 33, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” (AMP) 1 Cor. 15:33, “33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” Trying to communicate with people with that type of spirit will wear you down. Consider them dead in your life is the best recourse. Strong talk, it is reality. Life is too short to get stress behind the ignorant. It is why I have a Law of Repulsion page on my website.
In closing, you can use the applications in the Bible and gain or control the entire world but what price will you pay? Or, you can use the Bible the correct way and enjoy a good life on earth and a peaceful hereafter. I leave you with two statements to search yourself. It will give more understanding to you because you are seeking something. Matthew 16:26-28 and Mark 8:36-38. For what have you exchanged your soul in this life? What will prevent you from living a fulfill life on planet earth and perhaps miss eternal life in peace in the next life?
You will get the cold hard truth, something humanity is not accustom to hearing, from me, the center, and our church, which is a separate entity from the training center. The truth may sound as a lie because lies have been spoken for so long! If you want to remain as you are, then ignore the best creative training center on the planet…The Larry Jones Training, Coaching, & Empowerment Center and FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER.