The Uncommon God Makes Uncommon Men/Women In The Earth. Are You Uncommon?
The Uncommon God makes uncommon men/women in the earth.
1. You do not know how blessed you are to know this God and obey Him.
2. Also, you do not know how cursed you are if you know this God and do not obey Him.
3. Finally, you do not know how cursed you are if you do not know this God or you have some other God in His place.
Based on those three statements, it is imperative that you pay attention to this message.
The Bible is the core of information for every person who is successful, wealthy, or who is an inspirational speaker, a motivator, a psychology professor, or psychiatrist. For men, such as Tony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Les Brown and Napoleon Hill, the core teachings are based on the principles of the Holy Bible. Only one of these men made a profound statement about Christianity as the source to creating a world out of your thoughts-spirit. It was Napoleon Hill in the Law of Success. If any of you know differently, please let me know and I will retract my words. Napoleon Hill, I love the way the man thinks. Listen to this quote from him from the Law of Success. "Nothing was ever created that was not first conceived in the imagination, through desire, and transformed into reality through concentration." So, sweet, and full of nothing but the Word of God. Once you allow the imagination to form a thought and it becomes a strong hold, nothing will restrain it from happening in your life, if you stay focus and allow nothing externally to deter you from your end goal (Genesis 11: 6).
I am doing what all the great gurus of today will not do. I am giving all the credit to the Uncommon God—Jesus—from the beginning. I am taking none of His work and rewriting it to make me look good as they steal from the Bible and make the claim, this is my thinking, I am a brilliant speaker, motivator, and full of knowledge from myself. You need to lend me your ear. The Bible will make any person to be whomever or whatever they choose to become. You must follow its concepts and principles and apply what is asked. As Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, and I quote, "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." All this is pure faith stated another way. Once you understand the Bible, your thinking will take on these types of profound thoughts to take you to your destiny.
There is no other God in the universe that will measure up to this God named Jesus Christ.
1. He was born of a virgin woman by the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost. See Luke 1:26-32 and Luke 1:34-37.
2. He is part of a triune set. He has a Father in heaven. He is known as the Word. He is replaced in the earth by the Holy Ghost. See 1 John 5:8, John 14:26, and John 16:7.
3. He is the Creator of the Universe. See John 1:3. Everything He does the Godhead agrees. The Godhead includes the Father, the Son Jesus, Aka the Word, and the Holy Spirit. His name (Jesus) is known as the Word of God (Rev. 19:13). See 1 John 5:8. God said nine times in Genesis 1:1-31 that creations of the worlds and everything therein was formed and made by Christ.
4. Man, was created by the Godhead, which included the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost as mentioned in Genesis 1:26. Let us make man...
5. The Son is the only Savior for all humanity whether it is believed or not. See Titus 2:11, Titus 3: 4-7 and John 3:16:18.
6. The Father has committed all things into the hands of the Son as shown in John 5:19-24. The judgment of heaven and hell is given to Jesus to perform and decide who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. Every person who is the age of accountability (13 years) is hell bound unless they hear what Jesus has said. We were all dead people walking until we heard the "Voice" of God and allow Jesus to become our God, Lord, and Savior. See John 5:25- 29.
7. Babies and young children escape what people of accountability will receive. (2 Samuel 12: 23)
Characteristics of The Uncommon God
1. Nothing is impossible for Him to do.
All power is given to Him by the Father. See Matthew 28: 18 and Luke 1:37.
2. Jesus is a Creative God. See Genesis 1:1-3 and Hebrew 11:3.
Characteristics of an Uncommon Man or Woman Connected to the Uncommon God through Belief of His Word for Material Goods, Stuff, or Things.
The uncommon person is a man or woman who creates and brings things into his/ her life just as God did in Genesis 1:1-3 and Hebrew 11:3.
We are made in the likeliness and the image of God. Therefore, we have the inherited ability to create through the INVISIBLE realm of thought and speech just like God did in creating the worlds and everything within. He did so by thought and speech in the INVISIBLE realm and all were given VISIBLE physical form by His Word, which is Spirit (John 6:63) and Genesis 1:1-3 when God said, “Let there be light,” and light appeared.
1. You and I, and every human on the planet have this sleeping power alive and ready to exercise this INVISIBLE ENERGY of CREATIVE DESIGN of WHATSOEVER. It is all done through the vehicle of thought and speech based on the promises of a God that cannot lie and will fulfill EVERY thought you can ask, think, and believe based on the power working in YOU! See Ephesians 3:20, Matthew 21:18-22, Mark 11:22-25, 1 John 5:14-15, and Matthew 16:19.
2. I know how to walk and live in the CREATIVE POWER of God, which is what I am using to fully establishing a $2B dollar church EMPIRE for the last days of humanity’s rule over men in the earth. God taught me, not man, how to command His infinite powers to work for me in the earth.
It has taken me twenty-three years of learning and now the world shall see the UNCOMMON ACTS of a God who is REJECTED by two-thirds of the 7.4B people on the earth. Every living person thinks per the concepts of the Bible—but billions in REVERSE. Thus, they get what is not desired instead of what is desired. Now the world shall see the POWER of the UNCOMMON God, JESUS. The POWER that was displayed by God in the days of Moses, but today, it shall supersede in speed and performance. Second Chronicles 16:9 is manifest in the relationship between God and me.
Things are so corrupt in the world and the church. God, not man, has chosen me as His Post Ascension Apostle/Prophet to build an Empire of churches on the blueprint of His Word. My job for the rest of my days in the land is to teach the truth on two core subjects. I've been given two mantles by God. The first about eternal life by the writings of the Bible and not the dictates of theological schools or some flamboyant person unlearned in the Word of God. The second is prosperity through thought and speech that is only based on the promises of God and not man. It brings the idea from the INVISIBLE realm to the VISIBLE realm.
Without exception, belief, faith, and actions are prerequisites to get any of your thoughts and speech to take on the Creative Powers of God for Him to ACT. These are the same attributes that every person on the planet is using now. However, because of his/her bad attitude toward the UNCOMMON God—Jesus—people are STUCK, POOR, and TROUBLED-MINDED, and NEVER maximize their life to the full POTENTIAL.
There is a “little man/little woman” in every individual on the planet who is screaming, "Let Me Out." It is the person you dream to be, the life you desire to live, the places you wish to go, and the things you want to own.
For these reasons and many more, "The Larry Jones, Training, Coaching, And Empowerment Center was CREATED to help people everywhere REDESIGN their lives based on the truest book in the earth—the Bible. This is a book that the wealthy elites use to amass their unlimited wealth. In return, they make laws against the Bible so that it will remain a controversial, rejected, and hated book so that its secrets will go undiscovered by most of humanity. By so doing, they eliminate their competition. As Donald Trump said in one of his speeches, "The Bible is his favorite book."
Why would a billionaire Donald Trump make such a remark? Billions missed the clue! The man believes in the book for stuff, things, and the idea. You can become whomever or whatever, eventually if you stay focused. Look at what happened the first time he ran. Did it discourage him?Renowned men of old were students of the Bible. I will leave you with one last thought from Winston Churchill, and I quote, “Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential.” Chew on that one for a while. Many smart people give up. Our creed on our home page reflects what Churchill quoted.
These are some of the things we do to help you stay the course until your dream is a reality. We make you aware of things that will stop you from becoming the real you. Get a head start with "FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER," which is a requirement to officially enrolled in the training when we begin classes probably in April 2017.
As I said in my other blog, if 100,000 people purchased this book between now and the end of 2016, read the book, change the way of their thinking, do the action steps, and implement the changes of the book into his/her life, and give God time (not a quick rich scheme), that person will move God to act on their behalf. The only way it will not happen, the person reverts to the old way of thinking and that shall be proving because the idea will not come to life. The person must go back and retrace his/her steps because God does not lie Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” I help people to become knowledgeable of God so they may think on a creative level in harmony with God and His Word to build a life with precision and not guesswork.
Sign up today for our upcoming training in February 2017. Seating is limited. First come, first served. Get a head start with FIVE STEPS to REINVENT YOUR LIFE FOREVER