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Do You Have Goals? Make Your Goals Larger Than You!

I do not come to entertain, but to inform, inspire, motivate, and transform.

Napoleon Hill was born October 26, 1883, lived to be 87 years old. In his book, "The Law of Success, and Think and Grow Rich," "he said 95 percent of people do not have a chief aim and definite of purpose." Plain speech, they have no guidance as to what life he or she will live as a productive citizen in the land. It has been over a century, and nothing has changed with the masses on a global scale.

Here is a report for America, by "David Khol, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech, says that people who regularly write down their goals earn nine-time as much over their lifetimes as the people who do not. However, 80 percent of Americans say they don't have goals. Additionally, there is another 16 percent of Americans who say they do have goals, but they don't write them down. Fewer than 4 percent of Americans write down their goals, and fewer than 1 percent actually review them regularly."

You become the thief in your life and have zero clues that you are the thief if you are a person without a goal, a chief aim and definite of purpose. Stop stealing from yourself and start using your conscious mind by applying the power of your imagination to tap into the inner world where all things exist. Thus, giving CREATIVE LIFE to any idea, despite the cost, material needed, or the number of people required for the project or task.

The Masses for This Life

The masses are the same throughout the century; they change not. The masses are always the groups that fall into the common categories of deficiency thinkers, outside of eternal life in peace after death, or the groups that are poor, lack, and in need of all things good. Many are unteachable and carry close minds on things that can benefit to a greater degree. These individuals are susceptible to the low side of life, they have no ambitions to move forward, and if they do, it is with small things that require little or no effort to accomplish.

The Masses for the Afterlife

Out of the entire world of a population of 7.5B people, whom most are non-Christians are set on a course of a non-peaceful existence in the afterlife forever. America is the single largest Christian nation on the planet with a population of 311 or 312 million people. A clear example, the majority is never the best crowd to exist within, or be a part of, if you seek the better things of life for this life, and for life to come.


Our event was to help a person become, "A Better You - Transforms into Increased Revenue." One of the things we talked about was goals. I know, practically everyone I know, have zero goals, and are too uneducated to learn how to create goals that are meaningful. It is what it is; I am developing a course for online teaching reaching the people that are not part of the masses that want a real change in his or her life. My prices will rise. If you say they are too high, no they are not, you simply cannot afford me. What my training will do for you is to teach you how to tap into the untapped CREATIVE POWER within every human on the planet that is un-used by 90 percent of humanity today of 7.5B. You will pay if you want to know!

A Financial Revolution Is Occurring amid the masses, and as usual, they are unable to see the opportunities right in front of them because of limited ability to grasp change and move to the next level. To the individual that has the vision, and can see beyond the NOW, build your idea. In time, it will reveal itself. Once you discover you are dealing with people, who cannot help you, disassociate from them because the vibrations that are coming from them will contaminate your vibrations. Only associate with like-minded individuals that think on your level.

Life Coach, Larry Jones


I cannot and do not make any guarantees that what happens to me will happen for you because I do not know your level of faith. However, if you take God at His Word and believe, the responsibility becomes God's to honor His Word if your faith is correct, not me. I am only a messenger and a representative of God of what He says He will do. Whosoever connects with God through my book below should have a life changing experience. I said should because I do not know the level of a person’s thoughts and how he or she processed thoughts even when they have been presented the truth of the Bible. The same conditions are in place for the Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowerment Center.

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