We Must Elevate Our Thinking. Do You Want Help?
Your New Life Start When You Make A Quality Choice. What Decision Will You Make Today?
I am adding to my Creative Training Course to include the everyday person looking for the opportunity to simplify his or her life. The man or woman next door working the 9-5 job, burden down with life and seeking a new life free from the slavery of corporations and franchises who interest is their essential point.
As I moved through life, visiting malls, grocery stores, and society in general; I see the lives of everyday people burden down with lack, working jobs with no satisfaction, and barely getting by making ends meet. Grim looks with ugly expressions on their faces because life is hard. Unable to have a conversation dealing with wealth or abundance because the mindset thoughts filled with negativity.
Working for corporations that pays 10.25 hr., or $13.00 hr., pushing carts, cleaning bathrooms. Selective of who do what, jack of all trade. Managers talk down to you and make you feel like dirt. Children sick, the job will not allow you to go home and force you to bring your sick child to work. Schedule, you with days completely out of balance with life.
Corporations are Not Your Friends
Organizations as Wal-Mart, and Sam's Club who owners rank in the top 20 richest billionaires on the planet that we know as of this article. Paying employees meager wages while the stock holders take in millions and billions of dollars paying their employees slave wages compared to what they are making in profits. Not only Walmart, but Sam's Club, Costco, and endless stores in the malls, etc.
Their employees are worked so hard trying to make enough money to pay for a beat-up car and keep a roof over their heads; they have no desire to think or hear any conversation that will add value to his or her life.
Average Mindset
The average mindset, everything should be free. Will not give up the time to learn what is not known. The person refuses to pay for what he or she wants to know. The hamster wheel keeps on rolling going nowhere. What I have described is the lives of billions of people slaving for corporations making them wealthier as they become poorer and poorer trying to pay for outrageous health insurance the company refuses to pay. I know there is not one person in his or her right mind who would desire to keep this life intact. However, the way to do that is unknown to the average person living this life. Moreover, many are forced to live this miserable life repeatedly. You do not have to continue living that way. I have a way out, but it will require precision thinking on your part with my guidance for it to work.
Your Perception Needs Realignment
Listen, the perception you have about life is the life you shall create and live. Unfortunately, the attitude of the average person is one of failure, doubt, anxiety, and disbelief. Thoughts of seeing themselves as never becoming an individual of influence when they speak, people will listen. With thoughts occupying the minds as those for decades, a person entraps themselves in a mental prison where escape is impossible; yet, the gate is unlocked, and they are free to leave at the whim of thought. However, the perception of life they have and living in a cynical society, the mindset of these people will never become a voice of influence or power!
As a Life Coach with persistence study of the truest book on the planet - the Holy Bible for over 24- years, I qualify to discuss any subjects that relate to human behaviors, lost confidence, poor self-image, human relationships, goals, dreams, or visions. We have the wisdom to change a person entire life if they are teachable, willing, and ready to learn what it takes to create success.
I am adding to our Creative Teaching Course to incorporate a smaller standard of Creative living. Both works on the same scale, except one, has a higher perception to fill; nonetheless, the process is the same.
Picture 2 inches thick, 8 inches wide, and 20 feet long plank. Put it between two building 2 feet off the ground; you would walk the plank with no problems.
Using the same equipment, except this time the height of the buildings is 12 feet from the ground. Shakiness, equilibrium is thrown off balance, and fear begins to set up in mind. Fear brings anxiety, thoughts of failures and falling expand to the degree, cannot do the walk.
Take the same equipment; the height is now 40 stories high. Your perception has magnified to an impossible thing in your mind now to accomplish. Everything remained the same except the height. One common denominator sprang forth in your mind; fear. Fear will bring forth physical death if allowed to run uncontrollably within your thoughts walking that plank 40- stories high. Fear will make you lose thousands, millions, or billions of dollars if you do not master fear and put it to death. There is only one SOURCE that has the POWER to master FEAR; the Holy Bible.
Call me NOW so I can hook you up to my connections to make whatever amount of money you can believe as you learn a skill set trading in currency, FOREX, for life to pass down to your children, children’s using your brains and their brains to think and retiring yours and their hands from manual labor. FOREX is a 5.3 trillion-dollar industry that never sleep. Call this number and leave VM, 855-463-9297, Opt 4, or Email:Larry@larryjonestrainingcoachingempowerment.com and say, I want to connect with the FINANCIAL REVOLUTION that you are connected so my life can change.
We have a module on our coaching dealing with goals - Build Your Idea. We not only teach you how to process your thoughts for true goal setting. We have programs in place that you can benefit immensely and put an end to slaving for corporations. You know they are not your friend, why have that type of loyalty for them, they have none for you? We teach you how to process your thoughts and offer a way to create serious money learning a skill set in a 5.3 trillion dollar a day industry. An industry in the past, required a person to have 3M in an account to access. An economic (financial) revolution is occurring right in front of billions of people but because of the slave mentality and dependency on corporations for survival; opportunities are passing.Take ACTION to change your life today and click the link to BUILD YOUR IDEA for WEALTH. http://imarketsliveblog.co/harness-the-power-of-your-mind-to-achieve-your-goals.html?sitename=xz394798
As previously mention in other articles, the concept to make a thousand, million, or a billion dollar idea use the same road-map. It is the thinking that must be controlled to produce the correct results. A person cannot allow his or her perception to run wild. The thoughts must anchor on a sure Word of truth; not the words of man.
Fear is the greatest destroyer of wealth, living in opulence, or building the empire of your choice. My job as a Life Coach of the best Creative Training Center on the planet is to turn your fear into a powerful force to give life to any idea you are big enough to believe, do, or have in your life. Fear automatic induces failure just as faith automatically produce success.
I am asking for feedback from 1.86 billion Facebook users to tell me what training they would like me to add to our Creative Training Manual to help the little guy become a big man. What is your idea desire to become a productive citizen of the world?
Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever," I think every person on the planet should own on his or her smartphone and download this book. It is the beginning of getting a handle on your thinking to process the right thoughts for the optimum living on planet earth. Book is now in paperback!
Our Creed:
Larry Jones Training, Coaching, and Empowering Center has purposely turned away from the formal intellectual education of man, proving to the world that the wisdom of God outshines an eight-year degree of any student from Harvard University, Cambridge University, or any other elite school in the world.
I make no claims of promises to any person. Neither I, Larry Jones Training, Coaching, Empowerment Center (LJTC&EC) nor anyone working for (LJTC&EC) will be the reason they get what they want. It will be because of God. Moreover, I do not know the inner thoughts held captive within a person mind; only God knows the true thoughts, speech, beliefs, faith, and actions of an individual. Therefore, if what a person seeks is not attained, the fault lies in the thought patterns of that person, not LJTC&EC, the owners, or God, and we will not be held accountable (James 4:3). Please come with an open mind to learn the concepts of the Bible and allow God time to give life to your dream! ​