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In all our Service packages, we work by the hour. The first hour is $200 (introductory prices) and the fee is contingent on the student having the basic thoughts alive in his or her spirit before arrival. Fees will continue to accrue after the one-hour mark at a fifty percent reduced rate for this service.


A thought, or an idea that is alive in the spirit is a thought or an idea talked about daily, and on the mind, perpetually day and night, months and years. This thought process is a seed to which God can give life no matter the cost, material or number of people needed to assist with the plan. We work with your dream, goal, plan or vision, and show you how to give it life. I paid off a 30-year loan, $200,000 plus home in 14 1/2 years. We could have paid it off in 10-years, but I failed to implement the necessary ACTIONS. It may be insignificant to the rich, but not to the millions with 30-year mortgages. Others are doing it and so can YOU. Larry Jones Training, Coaching, & Empowerment Center training will help you put your thoughts in simple 7-key powerful steps to get what is inside of YOU into the PHYSICAL realm for your personal and business life. 


We help you build your desire statement or a chief aim and a definiteness of purpose helping you outline everything about your goal of what you want to accomplish.  Meeting required goals works positively toward achieving desired results. Napoleon Hill, born October 26, 1883, in his book, "The Law of Success, and Think and Grow Rich," "he said 95 percent of people do not have a chief aim and definite of purpose." Plain speech, they have no guidance as to what life he or she will live as a productive citizen in the land. The ninety-five percent were analyzed as failures and only five percent was successes. Using the term failure is meant that they had failed to secure happiness and the common necessities of life without struggles that was almost unbearable. Another aspect of the survey, those classed as failures were engaged in work they did not like and the ones analyzed as successful achieved opulent and were doing what they enjoy. 


Here is a report for America 2017, by "David Khol, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech, says that people who regularly write down their goals earn nine-time as much over their lifetimes as the people who do not. However, 80 percent of Americans say they don't have goals. Additionally, there is another 16 percent of Americans who say they do have goals, but they don't write them down. Fewer than 4 percent of Americans write down their goals, and fewer than 1 percent actually review them regularly." It has been over a century, and nothing has changed with the masses on a global scale. We help you avoid this pitfall. Service 1 is designed to help you organized your thought laying a solid foundation to build a secure life and future.


Service 1 is absolutely required to establish a successful life. It will determine if you will be happy, poor, rich, working a job you hate or enjoy doing the things you love. Can you put a price on that if you are happy, wealthy, and love doing the things you enjoy?


In Businesses, a desire statement and a business plan are necessary to achieve the overall vision of the business. Many businesses fail because they do not have desire statement or a definiteness of purpose. Yes, money, the required people to assist with the project or materials needed are not what you are to FOCUS on attentively. It will stop you dead in your tracks if it is not accessible to you. We show you how the things you do not have will amazingly just come to you if you have a blueprint of your plan, goal, or vision.


The Rejected Celebrity Is A Man Who Can Do Anything For Anybody. Do You Know Him?

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 2022 by Larryjonestrainingcoachingempowerment

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